

Medical Device Software Development: Steps, Requirements, and Price

Stanislav Zakrevskyi

Are you looking for detailed guidance on how to start medical device software development? Whether you are a small business working with healthcare organizations, or an established tech company expanding its services into the medical space, this blog post will...
Jul 9, 2024
19 min read
Medical Device Software Development
How to Make a Delivery Website in 2023? Prices, Mistakes, and Features

Stanislav Zakrevskyi

A massive variety of online services are growing at a high pace to meet customers’ increasing demand worldwide. Overloaded with daily activities, people prefer online services to offline services to save time and maximize convenience as much as possible. Such...
Jul 9, 2024
16 min read
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Design Cycle: How It Works in Real Project?

Olia Stasynets

Project activities always have some difficulties underneath. One of which is precisely the choice of the development approach and following it. That is why the RewiSoft team decided to make an in-depth guide on the design cycle as one of...
Jul 9, 2024
12 min read
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MVP Development for Startups: Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide

Vasyl Polych

Bringing a new product to the market comes with many risks and challenges. You have to develop a brand-new idea, build the product and invest in marketing to get it to the market — especially in light of today’s evolving...
Jul 9, 2024
16 min read
MVP Development for Startups
Real Estate Website Development [Cost, Steps, and Key Points]

Stanislav Zakrevskyi

Many people who want to buy or rent housing do not bother walking around offices or even ringing the ads of realtors. They google, go to agency websites, look at the available offers, and contact the manager. Those who want...
Jul 9, 2024
22 min read
Legacy Application Migration: A Step-By-Step Guide

Vasyl Polych

Do you have an outdated legacy application that needs to be migrated in order to stay competitive and provide customers with the technology they expect? From planning through retiring, a successful migration strategy is paramount for success. In this blog...
Jul 8, 2024
15 min read
Legacy Application Migration
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